
topicnews · September 12, 2024

“Working with children is a wonderful thing, especially if you don’t have any grandchildren yourself”

“Working with children is a wonderful thing, especially if you don’t have any grandchildren yourself”

DISTRICT OF BRAUNAU. Katharina Cozzo founded the Granny Service in Braunau 15 years ago. Since then, she has been the head of the Granny Service for the Braunau district and helps to find a surrogate grandmother for families looking for care. Surrogate grandmothers are currently being sought for the Braunau district. Katharina Cozzo talks to Tips about the wonderful tasks of a surrogate grandmother.

Tips: How did you come to offer the granny service in Braunau?

Katharina Cozzo: Here in Braunau there is a lack of flexible childcare options and that is why I contacted the Catholic Family Association of Upper Austria. I suggested that we offer the grandma service in Braunau and that I would take it on. When this was approved, I first looked for grandmas before we announced the grandma service in Braunau. I looked and found them. Since then I have been placing surrogate grandmas with families in need of childcare.

Tips:Have you noticed an increase in demand over the last 15 years?

Cozzo: Not really at the moment. As far as I know, demand has always remained constant. But we have most families in need of care who are available as surrogate grandmothers. I often lend a hand as a surrogate grandmother myself. We currently have twelve surrogate grandmothers and 16 children in care. However, some families are on the waiting list. That’s why we are urgently looking for surrogate grandmothers for the Braunau district.

Tips:How does the grandma service work?

Cozzo: The surrogate grandmothers visit the children in their familiar surroundings, including their own homes. The granny service is not a daily visit, but rather when the mother or carer has appointments or wants to go shopping. The visits should not be too infrequent, however, so that the child can get used to the surrogate grandmother. We make sure that the grandmother does not live too far away from the family, as the family pays for travel expenses. As surrogate grandmothers are more in demand in rural areas, the grandmother should be mobile. The granny service is limited to looking after the child, and the surrogate grandmother is not responsible for household chores. Surrogate grandmothers should accompany the child, be there for the child, play with the child, or even heat up food. The surrogate grandmothers are insured and receive around ten euros per hour from the families.

Tips:Why should you register as a surrogate grandmother?

Cozzo: Working with children is a wonderful thing, especially if you don’t have any grandchildren yourself. A familial bond develops between the surrogate grandmothers and the families. Many surrogate grandmothers are invited to their child’s celebrations, for example, even when the child is older. As a surrogate grandmother, you make an important contribution to families or single mothers looking for care.