
topicnews · September 11, 2024

New trend from the USA hits the mark in Verden

New trend from the USA hits the mark in Verden

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To play pickleball, the players meet every Friday in the Domgymnasium gymnasium. schumacher © Private

A new trend from the United States is taking off in Verden: Pickleball. The sport is possible even at an older age and does not require any physical requirements.

Verden – A new trend sport has made its way across the Atlantic to Verden – pickleball. For about a year now, the Verden Tennis Club has been offering this up-and-coming sport on a weekly basis. And the offering is set to continue to grow.

At first glance, pickleball is similar to tennis. A racket sport in which players try to get a ball over the net. It can be played in singles or doubles. The difference: it is a hollow plastic ball with holes, which is why the ball cannot be hit very far. For this reason, the playing field is also smaller. “In pickleball, tactics are much more important than the amount of strength used,” says Sandra Meixner, first chairwoman of the Verden Tennis Club.

Older people play with younger people, women with men. It’s a great way to get together.

There is a “non-volley zone” on the court, an area in which the ball cannot be hit without first bouncing around. This prevents tall athletes from simply spreading themselves out in front of the net. “Because physical requirements play a minor role here, players of very different statures can compete against each other on the same level.” Older people play together with younger people, women with men. “It’s a great way to get together,” says Meixner. For older people in particular, the sport, which is easier on the joints, allows them to stay physically active for longer. In addition, pickleball provides a quick sense of achievement, which is why it is also well suited to very young people.

Meixner and the tennis club first got a taste for it about two years ago. Coach Volker Bode drew her attention to the sport, especially in view of the age structure of many members. “There was a desire to expand the range of activities in order to reach more people.” Shortly afterwards, Meixner’s friends from Florida enthusiastically spoke to her about the up-and-coming sport. She then wanted to give it a chance.

Training takes place weekly at the Domgymnasium

The Domgymnasium has made the sports hall available to the club. Pickleball could not be played on the tennis courts at the Bürgerpark because of the surface. In return, the tennis club at the Domgymnasium offers a pickleball club in which the students can participate.

The players meet every Friday from 5 p.m. Now around 10 to 20 players come to each practice evening. The training is kept relaxed, however. Anyone who wants to can first get used to playing with the special ball. “Anyone is welcome to come and try something out.” “We welcome everyone,” says Meixner. Membership in the tennis club is also not required. The club offers a special pickleball option for those interested, which players can decide on after a few training sessions.

A regional association may be founded

In North Rhine-Westphalia, there is already a proper league for the sport. In Lower Saxony, the clubs are trying to arrange non-binding test matches. Seven clubs are currently offering the new sport. In Bremen, a pickleball club has also been founded, with which the Verdener is in close contact. “We are a very open community and like to approach each other.”

However, Meixner reveals that they are considering setting up their own regional association in Lower Saxony. Negotiations are currently underway on this. And another event is set to make the trend sport known in Verden: on Sunday, October 20, the state championships will be held in the hall of the Domgymnasium. Players from all over Lower Saxony will come to visit.

The sport of pickleball is growing and Meixner is happy to welcome new members. If you would like to watch a training session, you can contact Sandra Meixner on 0177/ 3325944 or by email at [email protected].