
topicnews · September 10, 2024

Armed burglar causes turmoil at Dresden University Hospital

Armed burglar causes turmoil at Dresden University Hospital

Dresden- On the grounds of the University Hospital Dresden There was great excitement on Monday afternoon. The police were on site in large numbers and were searching for an armed man.

The police were on site with several officers and tried to locate the perpetrator. © private

At around 1:45 p.m., 16 patrol cars were stationed in front of building 59 of the clinic.

As the police reported in response to a request from TAG24, a man was caught by a hospital employee (20) searching lockers in the changing rooms in the basement of the building.

Caught red-handed, the unknown man tried to flee. “The perpetrator first pulled out a knife and threatened the employee. He then attacked him, injured him with punches and kicks and fled the house,” said police spokesman Lukas Reumund (46).

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Officials combed the hospital grounds and surrounding area for around an hour. Without success. The hospital itself confirmed that an employee prevented the break-in and was attacked in the process. “Due to the fleeing, potentially violent perpetrator, parts of the building, House 59, had to be evacuated in good time,” said spokeswoman Nora Domschke (43).

The evacuation was lifted after the unsuccessful search for the perpetrator. “It is currently unclear whether anything was stolen during the break-in,” said police spokesman Reumund. The police did not provide any information about the perpetrator.

The brave hospital employee suffered minor injuries. Detectives have begun their investigation.

For some hospital employees, the well-earned end of the working day was delayed somewhat due to the police operation in the changing room. They were unable to change their hospital clothes for an everyday outfit for a while.

First reported at 3:17 p.m., updated at 6:09 p.m.