
topicnews · September 10, 2024

Beach Bowl tournament in Hooksiel: Lohner silverback achieves hat trick

Beach Bowl tournament in Hooksiel: Lohner silverback achieves hat trick

The over-30 football team from Lohne is now allowed to keep the Beach Bowl winner’s trophy as record winners. The joy of another successful tournament was only marred by two injuries.

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Hooksiel – This year, the winner of the Beach Bowl on the beach in Hooksiel is once again the Ü 30 Silverbacks from Lohne. With their third tournament victory in a row, the “Silverbacks” were able to draw level with the Bremen Firebirds and are now, together with the Hanseatic city team, record winners in this unique American football tournament.

This now presents the organizer with the problem of creating an adequate new trophy, as Lohne can now keep the large challenge cup for good. The Beach Bowl, which has been around since 1998 and has been held in Hooksiel since 2015, had to deal with a number of cancellations in advance this time, as countless games were postponed in the league schedule. But this did not detract from the excitement or the fun in the slightest. “It was an exciting tournament, as well as good humor, a holiday atmosphere and competitive sport par excellence,” said press spokesman Lars Michael.

In the end, five teams found their way onto the sandy field in Hooksiel: the Badener Greifs, the Haßloch 8-Balls, the Jade Bay Buccaneers from Wilhelmshaven, the Lohne Longhorns and the Silverbacks Lohne. As soon as the teams arrived on Friday afternoon, participants, fans and guests started chatting and celebrated together until late in the evening.

Nevertheless, it started promptly at 10 a.m. on Saturday. The new manager of the Hooksiel campsite and beach, Mark Schlemme, had the honor of carrying out the first coin toss. In conversations with the players, he also revealed himself to be a football expert. Michael: “Despite the relaxed, friendly atmosphere, the players left no doubt that each and every one of them was eager to take home the title of Beach Bowl Champion.”

The mood on Saturday was only dampened by a knee injury suffered by Christian Thiel of the Jade Bay Buccaneers, who, however, was able to spend the rest of the weekend with his team – albeit only from a beach chair – after a short hospital stay.

The finals are scheduled for Sunday. Unfortunately, these were also overshadowed by an injury. In the final between the Badener Greifs and the Ü 30 Lohne Silverbacks, Benjamin Blöth from the Greifs suffered an injury that required a trip to the hospital so that the teams and referees could agree to abandon the final for the first time in the history of the Beach Bowl tournament.

Behind the Silverbacks and the Greifs, the Lohne Longhorns came third. Fourth place is shared by the Haßloch 8-Balls and the Buccaneers. The Jade Bay Buccaneers Wilhelmshaven won the Fair Play Prize. Atabey Ates from the Lohne Longhorns was named MSP (Most Sexiest Player) and Jan Woldeit from the Silverbacks was named MVP (most valuable player of the tournament). The XXIV. Beach Bowl 2025 will take place as usual in Hooksiel from September 5th to 7th.