
topicnews · September 10, 2024

Successful start after the summer break at the s’Ländle harvest dance in Koblach with our duo Meli and Rudi – Dornbirn

Successful start after the summer break at the s’Ländle harvest dance in Koblach with our duo Meli and Rudi – Dornbirn

The dance friends enjoyed a lovely afternoon of dancing after the summer break in Koblach
©Vorarlberg 50plus Association

After the summer break, our dance friends meet again for an entertaining and lively dance afternoon with our popular duo.

Managing Director Franz Xaver Himmer was delighted that so many dance enthusiasts had accepted the invitation after the summer break and welcomed everyone warmly. Of course, our birthday children from June to September were also honoured with a schnapps. Everyone is delighted to be able to welcome their dance friends again. It was another very nice dance afternoon for everyone. You can find pictures on the homepage of the senior citizens’ association at:

We cordially invite you to our next dance events:

Also. 13. 10. 2024 – October Dance | Duo-Reisende

Also. 10. 11. 2024 – Autumn Dance | Duo Oldies 2

Also. 8. 12. 2024 – Christmas Dance | Jackpot & Jessica

We would be happy to send you a personal invitation by email to:

Simply send an email to: [email protected] with the keyword “Dance”.