
topicnews · September 10, 2024

Nikmengjaj on Fire: Wauwil 6-pack against Eschenbach!

Nikmengjaj on Fire: Wauwil 6-pack against Eschenbach!

Match report FC Wauwil-Egolzwil:

The Moos-Kickers impressed with a solid team performance in an impressive 6:2 victory against Eschenbach. From the beginning, Hedi’s team dominated the game and put Eschenbach under pressure with fast play. Edi Nikmengjaj was the most accurate player of the day with 4 goals, but the basis for the success was provided by the entire team with tireless effort and a strong collective performance.

After just six minutes, the home team made their mark. Full-back Noah Tschopp joined the attack, Nikmengjaj provided the pass. Tschopp took the ball on the volley – but missed the goal, the shot went over the post. The guests from Eschenbach were stopped just three minutes later by Wauwil goalkeeper Nikolai Gut. First, Gut parried a shot from Benjamin Barmet, then Adnan Ates tried a direct shot on the follow-up, but Gut held the ball and kept the score at zero. The guests came closest to taking the lead in the 11th minute: Samy Muhammad Brhan broke through and crossed to Jonas Rosenberg, who was one step too late. At that point, no one could have guessed that the party could end with a one-sided result. The guests from Eschenbach got off to a good start.

Double blow in just 3 minutes: Wauwil merciless
Ivan Bijelić gets things started in the 12th minute. Željko Karajčić plays a beautiful pass with the outside of his foot that finds Bijelić. In a 1-on-1, Bijelić leaves Eschenbach’s goalkeeper Janis Bachmann no chance. Wauwil immediately follows suit, this time captain Nikmengjaj is the scorer. The goal is beautifully worked out: Arbias Binaku then passes to Nikmengjaj, who shoots straight away – unstoppable for Bachmann. Edi increased the lead to 2-0 in the 15th minute. The game continues to be one-sided in the direction of the visitors’ goal. The 3-0 comes from a corner kick where the ball cannot be cleared from the danger zone. Nikmengjaj scores and makes the preliminary decision in the 30th minute.

Goal spectacle after the break
The young team from Eschenbach started the second half better. The Wauwilers were too passive and the goal against them was the logical consequence. Robin Niederberger, who came on as a substitute in the second half, took advantage of the fact that the Wauwilers could not get the ball out of the danger zone and reduced the score to 3:1 in the 59th minute. Niederberger quickly scored twice, but just a few minutes later he was stopped by Gut, who raised his hands in time. The pressure from the guests increased, as Ates also failed a few minutes later from a tight angle against Gut, who was the Wauwilers’ reliable support on this day.

Karajčić’s goal dampens guests’ hopes
Just when the visitors were having their best phase of the game, Wauwil scored in the 68th minute to make it 4:1. A throw-in from Nikmengjaj found Karajčić in the visitors’ penalty area, who scored beautifully while turning. Wauwil found their way back to their game from the first half. Just a few minutes later, Nikmengjaj turned on the turbo, pushed through to the side and passed to Bijelić, who shot straight away. The shot went just over the goal.

But Eschenbach doesn’t give up and reduces the score to 4:2 in the 82nd minute through Morris Portmann. It doesn’t get exciting, though, because Wauwil meet in practically the same minute. After the kickoff, Wauwil’s assist king Zejnulla Nexhipi plays a long ball to Nikmengjaj, who quickly leaves all opponents behind and scores beautifully with a light chip in front of Bachmann to make it 5:2. The 6:2 in the 92nd minute comes after a counterattack: Nikmengjaj sprints alone towards the goal, gives Bachmann no chance and hammers the ball unstoppably under the crossbar – a hammer hit.

Entlebuch as the next hurdle for the Wauwiler
The Moos-Kickers deservedly won 6:2 and are now in first place with 10 points from 4 games. Next Saturday, Entlebuch will face another strong team that, like Eschenbach, has not had the best start. Entlebuch has no points from 2 games and the game against Dagmersellen had to be abandoned due to bad weather when the score was 0:1 for Dagmersellen. Last year, the Moos-Kickers won 1:0 away. You can find out whether Andi Hediger’s team can score points again this year on Saturday, September 14th, at 5:00 p.m. at the Farbschachen in Entlebuch. The team would be delighted to have some support in beautiful Entlebuch.

Match report FC Torspektakel lost and paid expensive price

The first away game of the new season took Eschenbach to FC Wauwil-Egolzwil last Sunday. The young Seetalers had to pay a high price against the current league leaders. Despite many promising goalscoring opportunities, the yellow and black team clearly lost the attractive goal spectacle 6:2.

The first away game of the new season took FC Eschenbach to the Moos sports complex. The Seetal team wanted to build on their last two successful matches against Wauwil-Egolzwil. This plan resulted in numerous shots on goal and a lot of energy, but nothing came of it. The home team was focused and took advantage of every little lapse in concentration. The yellow and black team had to pay a lot of tuition last Sunday. The current leader won 6:2 in the end.

Goal spectacle with eight hard-fought goals
The spectators were treated to an offensive and fast-paced party from the start. Eschenbach in particular had numerous shots on goal but could not capitalize on them. And so an old football saying came into play: “If you don’t score goals up front, you’ll concede them at the back.” When Ivan Bijelic scored for the hosts, a spell seemed to be broken. A brace from Eduard Nikmengjaj gave Wauwil a comfortable lead at half-time. The captain of the home team was responsible for two more goals in the second half. Striker Zeljko Karajcic had already scored to decide the game. Eschenbach did come close again through Robin Niederberger and Morris Portmann, but Seetal still had to admit defeat in this true goal spectacle.

Eschenbach showed courageous commitment
Everything seemed to be going pretty well for Wauwil on this match day. Moos played with quick transitions and took advantage of the counterattack opportunities. The league leaders were able to score points from almost every dangerous move. Eschenbach had to put in a lot more work to score a goal or finish. As the game went on, their reserves of strength for the decisive situations dwindled somewhat. Despite the score, however, Seetal showed great morale and never gave up. The guests regularly used venomous pinpricks, but were not properly rewarded for their efforts. Somewhere, an opponent’s feet or legs were always in the way.

This defeat is of course a bitter blow for the young Eschenbach team. Nevertheless, the Seetal team was able to take some positive aspects home from this match. The team can learn the necessary lessons from this experience and develop further. Now it’s time to quickly put the match behind them and look ahead. After a busy week with three parties, recovery is also important. FC Wolhusen is waiting for them next Saturday.

Telegram FC Wauwil-Egolzwil – FC Eschenbach 6:2 (3:0)
Sports and leisure facility Moos – 250 spectators –
Referee Madani Seyed Ali – Goals: Bijelic 1:0. 15. Nikmengjaj 2:0. 30. Nikmengjaj 3:0. 59. Niederberger 3:1. 68. Karajcic 4:1. 82. Portmann 4:2. 84. Nikmengjaj 5:1. 92. Nikmengjaj 6:2.
FC Wauwil-Egolzwil: Good, Markaj (81. Christen), Achermann, Kokanović, Tschopp (76. Grüter), Rudaj (70. Vonarburg), Marjanović, Binaku (70. Nexhipi), Karajčić, Nikmengjaj (C), Bijelić
FC Eschenbach: Bachmann(C), Messina, Marquez, Heinrich, Barmet, Ates, Rinaldo, Estermann, Brhan, Portmann, Rosenberg (Zukaj, Fleischli, Niederberger, Bulut)
Warnings: 66. Rosenberg, 74. Kokanović, 78. Niederberger.
Remarks: 76. Ates hits the crossbar. Eschenbach without Balaj, Kündig, Procacci, Almeida, Hofmann, Marodi, Zeqiri and Richli.