
topicnews · September 9, 2024

In Crossfit the studio is called Box

In Crossfit the studio is called Box

Nienburg. Nienburg is getting a new fitness offer. The two former HSG handball players Benjamin Hillebrandt and Sören Fennekoldt are opening a Crossfit box on September 14th at Rudolph-Diese-Straße 6 in Nienburg. There, the two offer sports enthusiasts from Nienburg and the surrounding area an “intensive, functional training program” in their own words, “which combines a variety of sports and disciplines to improve general fitness.”

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“It’s a brand new studio,” says Hillebrandt. “In CrossFit, however, the term box is preferred because there is a big difference to the classic fitness studios. The term box comes from the history of CrossFit, as it started in warehouses in the USA.” The property at the back of the Optimal-Lack company building also has a commercial history. “The Wiechers company used to be located there,” says Hillebrandt.

Each training takes place in a small group of a maximum of eight people

But what is the difference to other fitness studios? “The Crossfit training method is based on high-intensity, functional full-body workouts that combine elements from weight lifting, gymnastics and endurance sports,” says Sören Fennekoldt: “The workouts are often short but very intense – for example, 20 minutes, but with maximum effort.”

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According to the trainers, each training session takes place in a small group of a maximum of eight people and is supervised throughout by a qualified trainer: Benjamin Hillebrandt, Sören Fennekoldt or Sinje Naß, who will offer a mom-and-child course, among other things. “The training plan, the so-called programming, is predetermined and includes various cycles to improve performance,” says Hillebrandt.

“It is important that everyone can join in, regardless of their fitness level,” the trainers say. “Everyone is welcome. The great strength of Crossfit is that the trainer adapts and scales the given exercises to suit the individual. This means that the experienced Crossfitter does the exercise with 40 kilos, while the beginner may start with ten kilos. At the end of the training, however, both are exhausted according to their abilities and have achieved the desired training effect.”

The big plus of CrossFit, in addition to being beginner-friendly, is the community, says Fennekoldt: “You never train alone, you are motivated and supported in the group and you go through the workout of the day together – no matter what fitness level you are currently at.”

“Crossfit is our sport for handball retirement.”

Benjamin Hillebrandt, Coach

The Workout of the Day is the central element of CrossFit training. “It refers to the daily training that is carried out in a CrossFit box according to the training program, and it varies daily,” says Hillebrandt. There is also gymnastics, weight lifting and cardio madness (strength and endurance mix). The team also offers training for entire teams. “The whole thing is supplemented by mental training and nutritional advice,” says Fennekoldt.

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After a total of over 30 years in competitive handball, the two managing directors wanted to try something new. “Crossfit, with its common requirements, its light competitive nature and the great community spirit, is our sport for handball retirement,” says Hillebrandt: “When preparing for a Hyrox competition, the idea of ​​opening a box in Nienburg arose.”

The Crossfit box of Benjamin Hillebrandt (left) and Sören Fennekoldt is located on Rudolph-Diesel-Straße in Nienburg.

The cost of a membership is between 90 and 120 euros per month, depending on the contract model. “A qualified trainer always leads the small group training,” say the trainers: “This means you get individual support with ongoing error correction and adjustments of the exercises to suit your training progress.” A trial training session is always free of charge.

The facility offers changing rooms, showers and toilets. “We also have a nice community area. “We also have typical CrossFit energy drinks, protein bars and protein shakes,” says Fennekoldt.

There will be four free workouts on the opening day. “They are suitable for everyone and have different themes: team workout of the day, yoga, cardio and weight lifting. The coffee ape from “Luxis Meat-Bar” will accompany us with delicious coffee, and there will be a bouncy castle for children. Of course there will also be a nice opening offer.” Those interested should register for the workouts in advance – using the contact form at