
topicnews · September 8, 2024

Team talk: Tips against heat |

Team talk: Tips against heat |

Team talk
The editors reveal: What do you do when it’s really hot?

© OFC Pictures / Adobe Stock

36 degrees in the city, in the office, on vacation, day and night… Four colleagues, four cool survival strategies.

This text comes from BRIGITTE. Get it as a subscription – with many benefits. You can order it directly here.

“There is strength in calmness”, Mareike Dudwiedus, Deputy Head of Lifestyle Digital

Team talk: Mareike Dudwiedus

© PR

As a Hamburg native, I advise you to enjoy yourself! Make the most of the two days a year when it doesn’t rain, take a spontaneous day off, replace all your meals with ice cream, sit outside until late at night, get your spaghetti dress from the attic – and the fan too. There is one mistake you should avoid, though: instead of frantically driving to the nearest seaside resort to fight over the last free spot with heated people, I recommend being completely lazy – accepting that everything goes slower in the heat. Except for sweat.

“In the Beach Office”, Jan Gritz, author and head of text

Team talk: Jan Gritz

© Andreas Sibler

The Corona summer of 2021 was brutal, home office mandatory, outdoor pools closed, but half the city met at the lake behind the subway. The police stopped by, but went away when the kids were jumping off the bridge. Between two video conferences on the balcony, I also went swimming. Just a few minutes later, I was back, cooled down. Fortunately, Corona is over, and I much prefer being with my colleagues at the publishing house, but I can still treat myself to two “beach days” a week this summer.

“Natural climate control on Mediterranean art”, Saskia Stelter, online editor

Team talk: Saskia Stelter

© Torsten Stelter

I am definitely not a heat person. Half of that, with 18 degrees, would be enough for me. But if it is really hot, I do what the Spanish or Greeks do. At home, during the day, I close all the hatches! And at night, I open all the hatches so that there is a good draft. In terms of clothing, I go for airy pieces. And my absolute favorite is a colder washcloth. Simply put it on your arms, neck or feet and let yourself cool down for a moment.

“Off to the south? Please don’t!”, Antje Kunstmann, medical editor

Team talk: Antje Kunstmann

© PR

We used to do that. Great holidays full of experiences. But we all agree in the family that it would have been nicer if it had been ten degrees less. Two weeks of over 30 degrees are stressful for me. My body doesn’t cope well with that. And moving as little as possible or only in the shade doesn’t fit with my self-image. That’s why we’re doing a coolcation this year: We’re going to Ireland! “Well, I hope you have good weather,” a friend said. Nope, I thought, full of anticipation.
