
topicnews · September 7, 2024

Enterprise Policy Generator 6.1 released

Enterprise Policy Generator 6.1 released

The Enterprise Policy Generator is aimed at administrators of companies and organizations who want to configure Firefox. An update has now been released with the Enterprise Policy Generator 6.1.

Download Enterprise Policy Generator for Firefox

The Enterprise Policy Engine allows administrators to configure Firefox using a configuration file. The advantage of this configuration file over Group Policy Objects (GPO) is that this method works not only on Windows, but across platforms including Windows, Apple macOS and Linux.

The Enterprise Policy Generator helps with the compilation of so-called enterprise policies, so that there is no need for an in-depth study of the documentation and all possible options and administrators can simply click together the desired enterprise policies.

New features in Enterprise Policy Generator 6.1

Technical improvements of the extension

The Enterprise Policy Generator follows a self-generating approach in which the structure of the interface, the generation of the Policies.json file, the saving and loading as well as the exporting and importing of configurations are all fully automated and derived from a single internal configuration file. To support new corporate policies that could not previously be mapped, support has been expanded to include several additional policy types.

For URL fields, the option to require a secure connection ( has been added, and infolinks can now be added to more places. For fields with multiple possible values ​​that can be added using the plus symbol, it is now possible to remove the last value.

New and expanded company policies

New is the support for the ManagedBookmarks-Policy to configure bookmarks which, in contrast to the existing Bookmarkspolicy cannot be modified or deleted by the user. Support for bookmark folders will follow in a future update.

Also new is support for the AllowedDomainsForAppspolicy to specify domains that can access Google Workspace and for the AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOriginspolicy to specify a list of external protocols that can be used from listed sources without the user being authorized.

Die OverrideFirstRunPagepolicy has been updated to allow multiple URLs. Existing configurations have been automatically migrated to the new version.

The description of the install_sources-Property of ExtensionSettings-Guideline has been revised and an infolink has been added to make it clear that so-called match patterns in URLs are allowed.

Options that still used the old way to change settings for about:config now use the new syntax of the PreferencesDirective, so that there is no longer a mixture of old and new directives.


A major focus is on resolving issues related to the Handlerspolicy, especially if it was saved in a configuration and then loaded out of the configuration.

In addition, it was Preferencespolicy, despite validation, it was possible to save options with an invalid option name in a configuration. If such a configuration was then loaded, the invalid option name was not objected to, even though Firefox did not support the corresponding option.


This means that support for all corporate policies up to and including Firefox 78 is complete. The only exception is folder support for the MangedBookmarks-Policy, which will be added later. Enterprise Policy Generator 6.2.0 will be released soon, which will add support for all policies added during the new life of Firefox 91. This will be followed by Enterprise Policy Generator 6.3.0 (Firefox 102), Enterprise Policy Generator 6.4.0 (Firefox 115) and finally, in October, Enterprise Policy Generator 7.0.0, which will no longer support Firefox 115 and will then require Firefox 128.

Support development

If you would like to support the development of the add-on, you can do so by telling the world about the Enterprise Policy Generator and by rating the extension on I would also be very grateful for a small donation, which will enable me to invest further time in the development of the add-on to implement additional features.