
topicnews · September 7, 2024

Two brothers drive the Six Bridges Rally from Solingen for their deceased father

Two brothers drive the Six Bridges Rally from Solingen for their deceased father

Solingen. Shortly before the start, Mike Lugtenburg had to swallow back tears. At the same time, the team leader of 015, the “Bug Friends”, smiled at the hustle and bustle under the Müngsten Bridge and the anticipation of the start of the third edition of the Six Bridges Rally. On Saturday morning, all 27 participating teams arrived one after the other and drove past the later starting point at walking pace to be shown their positions.

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This is exactly the atmosphere our father loved.

Michael Lugtenburg

Drives for his deceased father

There was a cheerful hello over a cup of coffee or a breakfast snack that the animal shelter had prepared together with the “Gräfrath Helps” association. “This is exactly the atmosphere our father loved, he would have loved to be here,” says Mike quietly. Together with his brother Barry, he is now driving the 6,000 kilometers to the other five steel arch bridges through eight European countries.

Ashes of the deceased travel in a capsule

“In our thoughts you are always driving along,” is written on the T-shirts that the two brothers are wearing. Not just in our thoughts: There is a small blue ash capsule on the dashboard. “He is with us,” says Mike simply.

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André Lugtenberg died in July, Mike says. After the sudden and devastating diagnosis in March, this happened even earlier than expected. “Originally, the plan was for him to send us through the starting arch on the tour.” It was already clear that he himself could not take part and that his friend and co-pilot John Bal would not be driving either.

Friends and relatives send brothers in Müngsten on their journey

Around 30 friends and family members of Mike and Barry Lugtenburg from Nieuwenhoorn in the Netherlands were there on Saturday to send the two “boys” and André on the road trip. “We have already taken part in serious rallies, but Solingen is new to us.” Our father had come across the announcement on the Internet. He was very excited about the special tour and had signed up with his friend John.

As a benefit for the charitable collection associated with such rallies, the two of them, André and John, had asked for money for the “Ambulance Wish Foundation”. This is a foundation that grants the last wishes of terminally ill people. In retrospect, this is a grotesque coincidence: As André’s illness continued to weaken him, there was talk of at least driving him through the starting arch in one of the organization’s cars. As a beneficiary of his own benefit collection, so to speak.

The Dutch donation portal has already been closed.

In the meantime, a good 53,000 euros have been raised. Given this amount and the fact that the family is gradually feeling the need for peace, the donation portal is closed. In contrast to those of the other rally participants, for whom no money can yet be paid.

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For example, Ralf Hochkeppel and Andreas Schlott are collecting money for the animal shelter as the “Black Benz” team. The “Road Badgers” team, Michael Kiekenap and his sons Kilian and Lorenz, are using a special concept. “In Porto, one son gets off and the other gets on,” says the father. “This way, the tour fits into both of their schedules.”

There is definitely no time for sightseeing.

Ralf Hochkeppel

He is travelling for the second time

Anticipation and good humor were evident everywhere. But also respect. “There’s definitely no time for sightseeing,” says Ralf Hochkeppel, who was there two years ago. But it’s still fun. The tasks in the road book, the interaction with the others in the group, whether it’s practical or live from time to time, is great, he emphasizes.

Meanwhile, Mayor Thilo Schnor, wearing a black tailcoat and top hat, took the starting flag in his hand and gave the starting signal to loud applause from the many spectators, fans and curious Müngsten hikers. The Müngsten Bridge Park will once again be the finish line on September 22nd.