
topicnews · September 7, 2024

Lübeck Jusos support first CSD in Wismar

Lübeck Jusos support first CSD in Wismar

Lübeck: On September 14th, the Hanseatic city of Wismar celebrates its first Christopher Street Day (CSD). The Jusos Lübeck welcome the initiative and are committed to a colorful and diverse coexistence in the Hanseatic sister city.

We publish the statement of the Lübeck Jusos verbatim:

(“The Hanseatic City of Lübeck celebrated its first Christopher Street Day in June 2002. This year’s CSD took place in August with around 3,000 participants. The Jusos Lübeck were enthusiastically involved in the organization from the beginning and are happy to now bring their energy and commitment to Wismar. Especially in times when freedom and diversity are repeatedly attacked by extremists, it is crucial to promote such initiatives with all our might.

Unfortunately, the event does not go unnoticed by those who despise our values ​​of freedom and diversity: right-wing extremist and homophobic circles are already calling for counter-protests on the Internet. The Lübeck Jusos strongly condemn these calls. It is unacceptable that right-wing extremist and hate-filled groups try to disrupt the peaceful coexistence and colorful diversity in our society. We must not allow misanthropic ideologies to threaten our democracy and the rights of the LGBT+ community.

“At a time when LGBT+ people continue to face hatred and exclusion, it is all the more important that we speak out loudly and clearly against any form of discrimination,” stresses Tarek Kayser, board member of Jusos Lübeck. “There must be no room for right-wing extremism and homophobia – neither in Wismar nor anywhere else.” It is therefore our duty to show solidarity and to protect ourselves from those affected by these attacks.”

The Lübeck Jusos will visit the Wismar CSD and position themselves in solidarity alongside the courageous participants. Together with the Jusos from Northwest Mecklenburg, we want to send a strong signal for solidarity and diversity!

Christopher Street Day in Wismar will take place on Saturday, September 14th, from 2 p.m. on the market square. Anyone needing a ride can contact [email protected] – there are still a few places available.

The board of the Jusos Lübeck Adrian Graaf, Markus Ameln, Tanja Hausdorf, Patrick Hahn and Tarek Kayser call for participation in the CSD in Wismar. Photo: Jusos

Text number: 168116 Author: Jusos from 07.09.2024 at 10.46 a.m.

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