
topicnews · September 7, 2024

Farmer’s rule predicts hot autumn: weather experts agree

Farmer’s rule predicts hot autumn: weather experts agree

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A farmer’s rule is turning the weather in Lower Saxony on its head. A hot autumn is coming. Amazingly, experts now agree with the trend.

Bremen/Hanover – Rain, sun, thunderstorms: The summer in the north has been quite changeable so far. But the weather in Lower Saxony is about to change – if you believe an old farmer’s saying. Because: “Whatever the weather is like on the day of St. Giles, it will stay like that for four weeks.” This refers to the weather on September 1st. But is that really true? Amazingly, weather experts agree and confirm a clear trend.

Farmer’s rule promises heat for Lower Saxony: Summer weather could last all autumn

The weather in Lower Saxony and the farmers’ rules – that’s a thing of its own. Sometimes the ancient wisdom agrees with the forecast, sometimes it doesn’t. In this case, the north could actually be lucky. Because everything indicates that the weather in Lower Saxony could be really good. According to the German Weather Service (DWD), the north is currently being influenced by a high pressure system and this is bringing warm sea air to the north. A short heat wave is coming to Lower Saxony.

Farmer’s rule on September 1st: Who was Ägidius?

Giles, a Greek merchant who was later appointed abbot of the Abbey of Saint-Gilles in southern France, is known as a saint. He was one of the fourteen Holy Helpers and enjoyed great popularity among the saints of Europe in the Middle Ages. His feast day is September 1st.

This will only last a short time. As the DWD trend forecast – which summarizes several weather forecasts – shows, heat is expected in Lower Saxony, especially on Thursday, August 29th. It could be as warm as 31 degrees in parts of the state. Unfortunately, a few days too early for the farmer’s rule. And after the heat, there will be a slight drop in temperature.

Weather in Lower Saxony influenced by high pressure: “Summer is really getting into full swing”

But the thermometer will not fall below 20 degrees in Lower Saxony and Bremen, according to the experts. Around 23 degrees are also expected on September 1st. The meteorologists at are even predicting 25 degrees and a zero percent chance of rain for the Bremen area.

It’s getting hot in the north. The weather in Lower Saxony is expected to stay warm for a long time. This is not only confirmed by weather experts, but also by a farmer’s rule. It refers to September 1st. © Imago/

Will the farmer’s rule be right and we can expect a late summer September with lots of sun? That could well be the case, says meteorologist Dominik Jung. “Summer is coming late, but it’s really getting going again,” says the weather expert. The summer of 2024 will already be the tenth warmest summer since 1881.

Farmer’s rule is correct for the beginning of September: Lower Saxony weather remains summery

“The heat waves of late summer are getting longer and longer,” Jung continues. “Normally, temperatures start to drop slowly towards the end of August as summer draws to a close.” Individual hot days were possible, but they rarely lasted as long as they do today.” But now the heat would last much later.

An ensemble forecast by the weather expert paints a clear picture for the first days of September. Northern Germany can expect plenty of sun, plenty of dry weather and an average of 25 degrees. The sunny phase is expected to last until September 11th, and not just in the upper parts of the country. Throughout Germany, “the weather will remain dry for the time being.”