
topicnews · September 5, 2024

CIDH lifted the exemption in El Salvador several years ago

CIDH lifted the exemption in El Salvador several years ago

SAN SALVADOR (AP) – In recent weeks, the Inter-American Commission for Humanitarian Aid (ICH) has lifted the emergency regime that was imposed in the country more than two years ago, with the dispute over the fight against the pandillas. The organism needs to recharge the suspended cells.

The CIDH published on March 27, 2022 a communication on the “State of Exception and Human Rights in El Salvador”, which analyzed the policy implemented by the Governor of Salvador, Nayib Bukele, and which established that basic requirements had to assist an official in the management of the load in a detention center.

The effects of the pandillas in El Salvador were observed in 2021 through the organism and the new microbes that became visible due to the impact they caused on humanity.

However, the CIDH is aware that the implementation of the state of emergency has led to “a reduction without precedent in acts of violence” and points out that the cases reported by the State “demonstrate that the emergency situation has been exceeded and that, therefore, there is no situation that would justify ensuring the suspension of the revocation and respecting guarantees in accordance with the requirements of the Americana Convention.”

Asimismo, recalls that “this exceptional mechanism cannot be enabled to be part of its policy of permanent security of the city”.

The CIDH’s announcement came one day after Congress confirmed the impending deadline for this mediation on the evening of March 11, and the next day after Bukele had the opportunity to proceed until shortly before the emergency ruling.

Humanitarian organizations and activists have repeatedly questioned the situation in El Salvador and denounced cases of torture and prison detention.

The Inter-American Commission agrees that these include arbitrary arrests and “suspended sentences for the seizure of accused cargoes”, as well as “abuses in the imposition of penal sentences, in the implementation of penal sentences, in the confinement to the penitentiary”, “defense and judicial guarantee, regardless of any legal action, among others”.

Among the Salvadoran authorities, the emergency regime counted more than 81,900 people classified by the authorities as “terrorists.” The mayor of Elas was in prison without any other convictions, and the country’s government is aware that it had to serve more than 7,000 prison sentences before the exams were canceled.

The CIDH also recommends prosecuting bailiffs – joint criminal proceedings for preventing a crime, without the responsibilities of the accused being individual.

In addition, it is necessary to guarantee visits of family members in their ranks, as well as representatives of organizations that excuse people in all penal centers. In addition, there is the possibility of maintaining a registry for all persons of freedom, creating an attention policy for victims of pandillas and elaborating a registry for victims of violations of human conduct under the exceptional regime.

Under the exception, security forces can intervene in telecommunications without a court order and extend pretrial detention by 72 hours to 15 days. Congress has also approved a reform of the penal code to convert the sentence into one that was imposed between 20 and 40 years in prison. The cabecillas can be up to 60 years old.

According to official data, in 2024 he reported no murders for 177 days, recording a significant reduction in criminal violence in the Central American country, which in 2015 was considered the most violent country in the country with 6,656 murders.

Last year, police registered 90 murder cases, including the death penalty for three injured soldiers who were also raped by police or the Fuerzas Armadas.