
topicnews · September 5, 2024

Drugs, cash and jewels seized in raids in the northeast, three people arrested

Drugs, cash and jewels seized in raids in the northeast, three people arrested

Officers from the North East Regional Organised Crime Unit (NEROCU), with support from Northumbria Police, executed five arrest warrants simultaneously at addresses across the region early this morning (Thursday 5 September).

The targeted operation included raids on addresses in Westernmoor and Fatfield Park in Washington, Losh Terrace in Walker, Newcastle and two units on the Armstrong Industrial Estate, also in Washington.

A search of the property revealed cash valued at approximately £33,000, controlled drugs valued at an estimated £60,000 and a large quantity of valuable jewellery.

(Image: NEROCU)

NEROCU said a 37-year-old man and a 45-year-old woman were arrested on suspicion of money laundering.

A second man, aged 46, was also arrested for possession of controlled drugs with intent to resell.

All three remained in police custody later that day.

Detective Sergeant James Woodcock of NEROCU’s Proactive Economic Crime Team said: “These arrest warrants are another example of ongoing efforts across the region to combat money laundering and drug trafficking.

“We are making significant progress in our mission to combat this type of criminal activity and deprive organized gangs of illicit funds.

“I would like to thank everyone involved in the execution of these arrest warrants.

“By conducting simultaneous attacks, we can ensure there is no hiding place.

“The work will continue as it does today under the banner of Operation Sentinel, our regional approach to disrupting and combating serious and organised crime here in the North East.”

(Image: NEROCU)

Sergeant Liam Duffy of Northumbria Police said: “Crime of any kind has no place in our communities and we will always seek to identify those responsible for such crimes and bring them to justice.”

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“Nobody wants this type of crime happening on their doorstep and it often leads to a number of other problems.

“We therefore urge the public to remain vigilant and report any concerns to us.”

Anyone who has information about criminal activity can report it to the local police or anonymously call the independent charity Crimestoppers’ free hotline on (0800) 555111.