
topicnews · September 5, 2024

Shortage of doctors in the Braunau district

Shortage of doctors in the Braunau district

BRAUNAU. Herta Blamauerfrom Braunau writes a letter to the editor about the shortage of doctors in the Braunau district.

For years, several doctors in the Braunau district have been warning of an impending shortage of doctors, both among general practitioners and specialists. This shortage was particularly evident in the case of gynecologists. For example, pregnant women who could not afford a private doctor had to travel to Salzburg for the mandatory parent-child pass examinations because the capacities of the local specialists, including those in the hospital, were completely exhausted. There is a small ray of hope here through a cooperation between the ÖGK and the Proges association. The association has employed a gynecologist for ten hours a week, financed by the ÖGK, exclusively to care for pregnant women. Even if this arrangement is only a drop in the ocean, it still shows that with a little commitment and creativity, a lot could be done to find a solution. This is where politics is called upon, both at the municipal, state and federal levels. In my opinion, politics has failed at all levels in this regard. The loudly announced billion for patients has only increased the debts of the insurance companies and has done nothing to improve the situation. The federal and state governments have not taken any measures to counteract this development. But I think a lot could also be done at the local level to improve the situation – incentives should be put in place to encourage doctors to settle in a small town like Braunau. Keywords: in-house pharmacies, primary care centers, provision of premises, support in finding accommodation. Politics has more to offer here.