
topicnews · September 4, 2024

Disappointed “Harry Potter” fans express frustration in video

Disappointed “Harry Potter” fans express frustration in video

It is actually a popular tradition that attracts many fans to the famous King’s Cross station, but this year the magical spectacle is unfortunately cancelled.

September 1st is a magical date for all Potterheads: On this day, the Hogwarts Express leaves Platform 9 3/4 at 11:00 am sharp and a new magical school year begins. On this year’s “Back to Hogwarts Day”, fans once again put on their wizard robes, pack their wands and make their way to King’s Cross Station in London. An annual spectacle in which Potterheads take over the station hall. On the recent 1st of September, numerous fans gathered in the station hall and started together on the display board. They counted down the train together and… nothing. No announcement of the train and no collective cheering. Instead: indignation and disappointment.

On X (formerly Twitter) and other social media, those present share their disillusionment:

“Harry Potter fans were disappointed after gathering at King’s Cross station for the annual Hogwarts announcement, which never came.

It was previously announced that it would not take place this year.”

Afterwards, the fans on site began to boo and complain loudly about the lack of announcement of the train – cheated out of the moment that they wanted to experience together as realistically as possible from the films and books. Not quite: According to Collider, Warner Bros. announced in July 2024 that there will be no fuss about the departure from platform 9 3/4 this year. The fans’ outrage is also completely unjustified.

The studio even organized a consolation prize for the fans. On the official “Harry Potter” YouTube channel, Sam Thompson, proud Hufflepuff and winner of the British “I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here”, hosted the “Back to Hogwarts Day”. What became a beloved tradition for the disadvantages of “Harry Potter” fans had significant consequences, because King’s Cross is not an isolated film set, but an important railway junction in London.

An official spokesperson told the British platform Metro:

“With thousands of people in King’s Cross, it was a challenge for us as station operators.”

Neither the Ministry of Magic nor Voldemort himself had a hand in it. It’s simply a question of logistics and capacity, because after all, there are a lot of people who just want to catch the next train. For Potterheads, there was no magical return to Hogwarts this year, but at least a new series in the fantasy series has already been announced for 2026. Until then, you can immerse yourself in the magical world with an audio book, because you can find all the “Harry Potter” books here on Audible.

For anyone who hasn’t yet been able to celebrate a “Back to Hogwarts Day” in London, this film fact might put a smile on your face:

Fantasy fans celebrate traditional start of school at Hogwarts

Waiting at King’s Cross for the departure of the Hogwarts Express once in a lifetime is a dream that has already come true for many fans. In recent years, Potterheads have come together for the “Harry Potter” spectacle and counted down the countdown to the train’s departure together. Users share their impressions on TikTok:

“The Hogwarts Express is now departing from Platform 9 3/4. All students are requested to hold their tickets and board the carriage immediately.”

Afterwards, the iconic “Hedwig’s Theme” played and the people in the station hall cheered together. “Hogwarts Express” appears on the display in the station and quotes from the films can be heard. The train takes students to the magical school of witchcraft and wizardry, a place that for many is full of beautiful memories and invites them to dream.

If you’re going to Hogwarts, you can’t forget your own pet. Find out which pet is ideal for you in this quiz:

Which Harry Potter pet do you have?

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