
topicnews · September 4, 2024

Man accused of raping woman at Ennis leisure centre faces Central Criminal Court

Man accused of raping woman at Ennis leisure centre faces Central Criminal Court

Photo (c) by EKATERINA BOLOVTSOVA from Pexels via Canva

A 35-year-old Asian man accused of raping a woman at a local authority leisure centre in Ennis has been referred to the Central Criminal Court for trial.

Appearing at Ennis District Court, the man, who cannot be identified for legal reasons, is charged with one count of rape of a woman on 13 August 2022 at the Active Ennis Leisure Centre on Sandfield Road, Ennis, contrary to section 4 of the Criminal Law (Rape) (Amendment) Act 1990.

Active Ennis Leisure Centre is owned and operated by Clare Co Council and comprises a swimming pool and gym and is used by thousands of people every month.

Garda Emmet Roche testified in court today that the evidence book had been served on Daragh Hassett, counsel for the accused.

Judge Alec Gabbett told the defendant through an interpreter that his lawyer, Mr Hassett, would have to inform the State in writing within 14 days if an alibi was part of his defence.

Judge Gabbett remanded him on bail to appear before the next sitting of the Central Criminal Court for arrest.

Judge Gabbett said this could be Limerick or Dublin. Judge Gabbett granted the defendant legal aid for Mr Hassett and a senior solicitor and a junior solicitor to represent him in the Central Criminal Court.

At the defendant’s first court appearance in June, Det Garda Conor Flaherty of the Protective Services Unit (PSU) of Clare Garda Division gave evidence in connection with the arrest, charging and caution.

He said he met the defendant by appointment in court in Glentworth Street, Limerick, and charged him with a single count.

He said the defendant had not answered the charges.

The address of the man on the indictment is an address used by the State to accommodate applicants for international protection (IP) in Limerick.

The defendant’s lawyer, Daragh Hassett, had previously informed the court that his client currently lives and works in County Cork.

Mr Hassett said bail conditions had been agreed and included that the defendant stay away from Ennis and have no contact with the alleged victim.

Det Garda Flaherty said the accused had also agreed to surrender his passport at a Garda station in County Cork.