
topicnews · September 4, 2024

Information meeting in the morning, 4.9.24: Constructive migration talks ++

Information meeting in the morning, 4.9.24: Constructive migration talks ++

Expectations for the migration meeting were high. CDU party leader Friedrich Merz had previously stressed once again that if the federal government did not move on the issue of rejections at the borders, there was no need to go any further back. This and other topics of the morning with Andreas Böhnisch.

The Union then said that the meeting on migration and refugee policy with the federal government had been more constructive than expected. There could be further talks next week. The Union’s condition: rejections at the border.

Great need for discussion after the meeting

The talks lasted a good three hours – longer than announced. And the topics were not finished in the end. There was a great need for discussion, even after the meeting in front of the microphones. Lower Saxony’s Interior Minister Daniela Behrens (SPD) spoke of a “good and constructive process”. She did not want to give any details. She would only say this much: it was about finding a large majority for changes in the areas of migration, internal security and the fight against extremism. Praise also came from representatives of the opposition afterwards. Only Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser (SPD) remained reserved.

Faeser at migration meeting
“Focused, open and constructive consultations”

The first round of talks between the traffic light coalition, the Union and the states on the topic of migration ended without any concrete results. Interior Minister Faeser was nevertheless optimistic. Come…

The basis for the meeting was the security package that the traffic light coalition agreed on last week in the wake of the knife attack in Solingen: It contains measures for internal security and proposals for tightening asylum policy.

The federal government also stresses its openness to further proposals from the Union. “Nobody has blocked their path in any way. We have the common goal of limiting irregular migration and, in particular, easing the burden on local authorities,” said Faeser after the meeting.

State Student Council: BW fails in education policy

The State Student Council accuses the Baden-Württemberg state government of failing in education policy. In an open letter to Education Minister Theresa Schopper, it says that instead of far-sighted school policy, there is far too much activism.

Outdated teaching, poor school equipment, overworked teachers

The criticism of the student representatives is clear: the lessons are outdated, the school equipment is poor and the teachers are overworked, according to the letter to the minister, the state government and members of the state parliament. The result: Baden-Württemberg has been slipping in various education rankings for years. The inequality of opportunity between students from privileged families
and socially disadvantaged people is still large. The situation is at a standstill.


On a blackboard in a classroom there is a notice saying: Classes are cancelled.

Open letter to Minister of Culture Schopper
State Student Council accuses BW education policy of failure

According to the student representatives, education policy is too often about action rather than foresight. At the start of the school year, schools in the country are faced with problems that are “ignored”.