
topicnews · September 3, 2024

Start and content – ​​you can test everything

Start and content – ​​you can test everything

Blizzard has announced a PTR 2.0 for testing Season 6 in Diablo 4. There you can play the new content in advance and give feedback that the developers can then take into account. MeinMMO provides all the important information.

When does the PTR start? You can play on the PTR again from September 4th. A time has not yet been announced. You can start the preload now.

How long does the PTR run? You can test the new changes until September 11th.

How do I play on the PTR? You must own Diablo 4 on PC. Navigate to Diablo 4 in the client and select the Public Test Realm (PTR) from the drop-down menu using the “Play” button.

Here you can create a test character or play with one of your existing characters. They are simply copied. You take over from your account:

  • Campaign completion
  • Mounts and skill points
  • Fog of War
  • Stat bonuses from Altars of Lilith

Starting September 6th, you will have access to an NPC who will level your character up to maximum level and complete the map for you. He will also give you the class mechanics, upgraded potions, all aspects and glyphs, and whatever else you need to test.

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Contents of Season 6 – What you can watch

With the PTR, Blizzard is preparing for both Season 6 and the Vessel of Hatred expansion. The changes are accordingly extensive, some players say that Diablo 4 will become a completely new game.

On the PTR you can test the following content:

  • New level system: Characters now level up to level 60, after which Paragon Points apply to all characters on the realm (seasonal, eternal, hardcore).
  • Each class gains an additional ability as well as 5 new passive abilities with each level.
  • The difficulty levels are adjusted and range from Normal to Hard to Expert to Remorseful and finally Torment 1-4.
  • Monsters no longer have levels, they now adapt to the difficulty.
  • Glyphs are upgraded through levels, no longer through experience. The system is similar to the legendary gems from Diablo 3.
  • You can find players for content using the Group Finder.
  • Runes and runewords are coming – they will be available on the PTR starting September 6th.

Blizzard is also revising the item system again. Ancestral items always have the new maximum power of 800 and at least one major affix, while holy items will be removed completely. Season 6 also brings new uniques, although we don’t yet know whether they will be tested in the PTR.

Data miners have already found new items in the game files that are necessary for the cow level. However, you probably won’t be able to find them yet, or at least won’t be able to use them sensibly. The search for the level only really continues with Vessel of Hatred.

Season 6 started together with the release of Vessel of Hatred. The feedback you give can influence the development of the expansions. In the past, Blizzard has often turned unpopular content from the PTR into absolute fan favorites: The new mode in Diablo 4 was really unpopular, now it is “the best thing that could have happened”