
topicnews · September 3, 2024

Start-up shows what is probably the most human robot in the world

Start-up shows what is probably the most human robot in the world

This is what the robot called NEO from 1X looks like. (Image: 1X)

This is what the robot called NEO from 1X looks like. (Image: 1X)

How real should a robot look? This is certainly a question that Norwegian robotics start-up 1X asked themselves when they designed the NEO. This is a robot that was specifically designed for household environments, but see for yourself:

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The video shows the robot named NEO, who hands a woman her backpack.

Why this is important: Although household robots such as robot vacuum cleaners have been around for years, the NEO is the first to look so unmistakably human. With its humanoid shape and movable hands and fingers, it has significantly more capabilities than most of its peers.

How does the robot work? Details about the technology are not known, but 1X has nevertheless mentioned some data.

  • Size: 1.65m
  • Weight: Almost 30 kg
  • Burden: up to 20 kg
  • Speed: 4 km/h (running) up to 11 km/h (jogging)

What is special is not what NEO does, but how. Quiet, efficient and with a precision reminiscent of a human. As Maginative writes, people on X, formerly Twitter, have accused the company of having a human in the robot’s suit.

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The robot relies purely on non-verbal communication. What is striking is that the NEO does not speak in the clips, but listens intuitively to gestures, body language and spoken commands. The robot apparently interprets the behavior and imitates human behavior.

The robot is powered by an AI system. This allows him to continuously learn from and adapt to his environment. This obviously applies both to the environment and to what he is holding in his hands, such as an egg or a box.

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The NEO from 1X is currently still a prototype. We won’t be able to bring these little electric helpers home any time soon. However, the goal is to integrate the robots into households around the world.

What do you think of the humanoid robot? Would you like to have one as a household helper? Write it in the comments.