
topicnews · September 1, 2024

10 Celebrities Who Struggle With Video Game Addiction

10 Celebrities Who Struggle With Video Game Addiction

  1. in the game
  2. Games

10 celebrities who struggle with computer game addiction © Julian Stratenschulte/ picture Alliance/dpa

Even stars are not immune: How video game addiction has affected the lives of stars like Bill Gates and Felicia Day.

Hamburg – In an increasingly digital world, video games offer a welcome escape from everyday life, whether for relaxation or entertainment. But what happens when occasional gaming turns into an uncontrollable addiction? Video game addiction is a serious problem – even celebrities struggle with it.

When the virtual world becomes reality

For many, it starts harmlessly: A game here, a level there. But suddenly hours, days, sometimes even weeks pass and you spend time in a virtual world. The transition from leisure activity to searching is gradual. Those affected often lose control of their gaming behavior and get caught in a vicious circle from which it is difficult to escape on their own.

Help with video game addiction in Germany

If you or someone you know is affected by video game addiction, you can contact the following resources:

Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA): Free advice on the hotline 0800 1 60 30 00.
German Central Office for Search Questions (DHS): Information and advice available online at
Local advice centres: Use the online portal of addiction help to find a contact point in your area.
Online counseling for young people: The platform offers help especially for young people.

Individual games, such as Fortnite, can trigger gaming addiction more easily than others because of their fast-paced, competitive nature:

Celebrities who succumbed to video game addiction

You might think that celebrities, who often face the challenges of fame and stress, would be more likely to get into trouble with alcohol, drugs, or other classic addictions. But video game addiction is an unexpected danger that shouldn’t be underestimated either.

Randy Orton, the well-known WWE star, admitted in an interview that he has invested over 600 hours in the popular video game Elden Ring:

When gaming takes over life: celebrity confessions

Stars like Brandon Routh, who spent hours in World of Warcraft or Henry Cavill, who almost missed an important call because he was deep in a gaming session, show that video game addiction can be just as real and destructive.

Felicia Day, creator of the web series The Guildspoke openly about her past with World of Warcraftthat dominated her life at times. She is not alone: ​​numerous other celebrities, including musicians and athletes, have lost themselves in the virtual world.

For the French world champion Hugo Lloris, even a video game had an influence on his professional career: change because of GTA – world champion justified the move to LA.