
topicnews · August 28, 2024

Deadlock players learn that they can pause the game for the entire lobby, and some use it for evil purposes

Deadlock players learn that they can pause the game for the entire lobby, and some use it for evil purposes

Stop me if you’ve heard this before. You’re about 40 minutes into a Dota 2 ranked game, the opposing techies are plotting to stall for as long as possible, and some comedy genius decides to pause the game to drag things out a bit. few a little longer. Bad manners? Probably, but they’ll laugh their heads off until low priority matchmaking, I’m sure!

Those who have invested thousands of hours in Valve’s previous MOBA probably won’t notice the novelty of this feature, but its repetition in Deadlock has players committing heinous psychological warfare for fun, as can be heard from this streamer, who took a mid-match breather to play a bit: