
topicnews · August 28, 2024

These are the best and worst times to drive, fly

These are the best and worst times to drive, fly

Labor Day weekend is approaching and travelers are preparing to end the summer with busy highways and record-breaking crowds at airports.

According to AAA, domestic travel on Labor Day increased 9% compared to last year, while the cost of travel within the U.S. decreased 2%.


The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) expects to screen more than 17 million passengers this holiday weekend, which officials say will be the busiest Labor Day travel period ever.

SEE ALSO | Labor Day warning: Protect your data with these high-tech travel tips

Friday is expected to be the peak day for air traffic, with 2.86 million passengers passing through security checks.

“Travel volumes have been high domestically and internationally all summer,” said Ragina C. Ali, spokeswoman for AAA. “With many children in our region going back to school, not everyone is traveling for Labor Day. But there are certainly many people trying to squeeze in one last three-day weekend to end the summer. Others may take the week after Labor Day off to kick off the off-season, which can mean lower travel costs and fewer crowds in many destinations in the U.S. and abroad.”

According to AAA, the TSA’s 10 busiest travel days have all occurred since May.


According to AAA, the best and worst times for road travel are:


  • Thursday: Best time is before 11am, worst time is 1pm to 7:30pm
  • Friday: Best time is before noon or after 7 p.m., worst time is 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Saturday: Best time is after noon, worst time is 8 to 11 a.m.


  • Sunday: Best time is before noon, worst time is 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.
  • Monday: Best time is before 10am, worst time is 11am to 8pm.
  • Tuesday: Best time is after 1pm, worst time is 8am to noon

AAA also urges drivers to ensure their vehicles are roadworthy.

“Drivers need to remember that their vehicle can break down just as easily over Labor Day weekend as any other time of year, so they should take every precaution to make sure their car is drivable,” Ali said.

Vehicle Maintenance Tips from AAA:

  • Check the tire pressure of all tires – don’t forget to check the spare tire too.
  • Check that the tires are not worn and have sufficient tread
  • Check that the battery is in good condition (most batteries last 3-5 years).
  • Check air conditioning
  • Check the windshield wipers to make sure they are in good condition
  • Check fluids
  • Check the lights – headlights, turn signals, brake lights – to make sure they all work
  • Make sure your mobile phone is fully charged so you can call for help if needed
  • Make sure your AAA membership is current and that you have the AAA mobile app or toll-free roadside assistance number programmed into your phone in case you need to call for assistance.
  • Get a summer emergency kit with: jumper cables, tools, first aid supplies, flashlight with fresh batteries, road flare or warning triangle, extra medications, snacks and plenty of drinking water.

Please also note the following road safety tips:

  • Slow
  • Be especially careful in construction areas, observe speed limits and watch out for road closures and narrowings.
  • Avoid distractions while driving. Have a passenger navigate your map app or change your playlist.
  • Use seat belts or child seats – for everyone in the vehicle, on every journey and regardless of location.
  • Obey state “Move Over” laws to protect the lives of first responders, road workers and even drivers dealing with a broken-down vehicle on the side of the road.
  • Never drive under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Designate a driver who does not drink alcohol or arrange a safe ride.