
topicnews · August 28, 2024

Any attention is good attention: Telegram downloads skyrocket after CEO’s arrest

Any attention is good attention: Telegram downloads skyrocket after CEO’s arrest

A few days ago, Telegram co-founder and CEO Pavel Durov was arrested in France after landing at Le Bourget airport. Since then, Telegram has climbed to second place among social apps in the App Store in the US

The arrest was widely seen as a very controversial move. Authorities claim that Durov has neglected Telegram moderation and any cooperation in general. This is true, but it is probably because Durov is a very strong supporter of free speech.

Durov, a Russian native, left his home country when he refused to hand over his user data to the authorities. His commitment to freedom of speech has led to Telegram having a rather bad impression in many online circles, as the platform is populated by radicals.

The current surge in Telegram downloads can be attributed to several factors, most of which are related to the recent media attention. Either the new downloads are coming from people making a stand for free speech or from users who didn’t know much about Telegram and are now curious.

Interestingly, Russia has supported Durov. Officials claim the arrest was politically motivated. The country has also pledged support to Durov during his trial.

I’ve used Telegram for months on end several times throughout my life. I honestly find it a refreshing change. It’s a lot like Discord: the platform has the nicest and the most obnoxious communities, and it’s up to you which ones you join.

As has happened so many times in the past, Telegram being in the news has only helped the platform. Those who don’t agree with it can only ignore it, while those who are for it can download and use it to show their support. This, in turn, will strengthen the platform even further.

I don’t think Telegram will disappear anytime soon.