
topicnews · August 28, 2024

Two-year investigation leads to 33 arrests in gang operation in Uvalde

Two-year investigation leads to 33 arrests in gang operation in Uvalde

UVALDE, Texas – Uvalde city officials announced the arrest of 33 people suspected of being involved in gang activity.

According to a Uvalde County press release, those arrested are members of violent gangs called Latin Kings, West Texas Tango, Tango Blast, Tango Orejon, Tango Aguilon, Texas Syndicate, Paisas, Texas Mexican Mafia, Maniac Latin Disciples and San Antonio Walk Down Gang.

The arrests are based on 68 state charges of drug trafficking and involvement in organized crime, as well as 17 additional federal charges of organized crime and conspiracy.

The charges are the result of a two-year investigation into gangs in the Uvalde area, the press release said.

Governor Greg Abbott asked the Department of Public Safety to assist in the investigation to prevent gang activity in Uvalde.

“There is no place for gang violence here in Texas, and we will punish these heinous criminals to the fullest extent of the law,” Abbott said.

In September 2022, DPS sent officers to Uvalde to establish a criminal investigations unit in gang hotspots.

In addition, DPS has stationed special agents in Uvalde to investigate the Tangos and Latin Kings gangs.

In 2015, the majority of the Latin Kings gang was put behind bars, the press release said. However, most of the gang’s current members are the children of those incarcerated members.

“We will not tolerate this criminal activity in our community. We will track down anyone who participates, assists, or allows this cancer to grow in our city. I expect there will be more charges and arrests to come. We thank Governor Abbott, the Department of Public Safety, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Investigations, and the U.S. Attorney’s Office for their support as we continue to strive to make Uvalde a community where people want to live, work, and raise their families,” said District Attorney Christina Mitchell.

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