
topicnews · August 28, 2024

Follow the 2024 festival in the 24/7 livestream

Follow the 2024 festival in the 24/7 livestream

You don’t have to go to Burning Man to catch a glimpse of the Playa.

A live webstream will broadcast the annual festival 24 hours a day until September 2nd.

Most of the time the camera is focused on the wooden statue in the center of Burning Man.

The link can be found on the Burning Man website at

While the focus is never on visitors’ faces to uphold Burning Man’s privacy and consent principles, the playa is scanned so that a glimpse of art cars and artwork is possible.

There are also moments when people stop by to talk about Burning Man or give an interview about the history of the festival.

Live streaming at Burning Man has been around since 1996

There has been some sort of live webcam for the Burning Man festival for nearly three decades, and for the past few years it has been largely managed by Matthews Reyes, a product manager at a gaming company.

It’s his gift to Burning Man.

He said on air Tuesday that he was interested in figuring out how to increase participation and would welcome input from programmers to help reduce technical problems.

“Burning Man is so damn expensive,” Reyes said on the livestream. “The ability to participate remotely without having to pay for all the craziness out there, I’m excited for more opportunities to do that.”

This year, the number of viewers even exceeds Reyes’ predictions.

He said millions of people around the world would be able to watch the fire on Saturday night.

Reyes moved streaming from YouTube to the streaming service Livepeer this year. He raised more than $9,000 by asking his social media followers for donations so he could host the livestream on a platform without ads.