
topicnews · August 27, 2024

Imminent introduction of new rules to clear old criminal records

Imminent introduction of new rules to clear old criminal records

Starting October 1, it will be much easier for people with old felony convictions to have them expunged from their criminal records – as Senate Bill 731, passed two years ago, is fully implemented. Previously, only records from 2005 or later could be expunged, but now the law covers records dating back to 1973.

Saun Hough, a career counselor at the South LA nonprofit Shields for Families, said this is significant.

“It is estimated that an additional 4.5 million people will have criminal records that can now be expunged,” Hough said.

Criminal justice reform advocates spoke out on the issue Aug. 21 in Sacramento as part of Time Done Day of Advocacy. The law also allows petitions to expunge criminal records to be filed in local court, and the state Department of Justice will begin processing petitions in an automated manner. A website called launched this week to help people navigate the process.

Hough said that removing old convictions from a criminal record can greatly improve a person’s chances of getting a job, renting an apartment, obtaining a professional license and more.

“It gives you the opportunity to literally coach your kid’s team and be on the board of your homeowners association. It just allows you to fully participate in society and your community,” Hough continued.

For many non-sexual offense convictions, defendants can apply for expungement two years after completing probation or sentence, provided they do not commit new offenses.