
topicnews · August 27, 2024

Study tips for high school students –

Study tips for high school students –

High school is an important stage in a student’s academic career. The high school curriculum is usually more challenging than that of preschool. In addition, during this stage of their academic career, high school students may begin to think about their future goals, including higher education. The high school curriculum aims to prepare students for their future, which is why the curriculum is usually more specialized, challenging, and complex.

It’s not uncommon for students to struggle to adapt to the demands of the high school curriculum. With that in mind, high school students can keep these study tips in mind as they face the demands of the academic world.

· Schedule study times. A U.S. Census Bureau analysis found that children are participating in more extracurricular activities than they did decades ago. Although research has found that participation in extracurricular activities is associated with a number of positive outcomes among adolescents, including better academic performance, it is important that students schedule time in their daily schedules for academic activities. Much like sports practice or theater rehearsals, study times can be incorporated into students’ daily routines. Students can set aside a specific time in their schedule each day for studying and stick to it, just as they would for extracurricular practices or rehearsals.

· Set up a study area. During the COVID-19 pandemic, administrators at the University of Michigan developed a web-based space reservation system to help students find a place to study despite the restrictions of social distancing. This effort underscores the value of designated study areas, and high school students and their families can set up such areas in their homes. A quiet, distraction-free space can facilitate learning and help students excel in class.

· Take notes and summarize as you study. High school courses are more complex, and it’s easy to get lost in the depth of learning subjects like English or history that require a lot of reading. Students who are getting used to this may find it difficult to remember important details if they read more than they’re used to in a typical study session. Taking lots of notes and summarizing the text as you read, such as at the end of each chapter, can help students remember the key points of reading assignments.

· Organize study groups. A weekly study group can help students better understand the curriculum and their own perspectives. Different perspectives can help students see the material from a new perspective. One student may encounter difficulty at a certain point and another can shed light on the problem and make it more understandable, and vice versa. Sharing perspectives with other students can also help students sharpen their own ideas when trying to explain themselves in conversations with classmates.

The high school curriculum is more demanding than that of preschool courses. Some simple study tips can help students adapt to this more demanding academic environment.