
topicnews · August 27, 2024

Leak in daycare informs the world about David Murphy’s signing with the Cleveland Indians

Leak in daycare informs the world about David Murphy’s signing with the Cleveland Indians

Most fans probably don’t care what the baseball news is, just that it’s coming. And the news that outfielder David Murphy is leaving the Texas Rangers as a free agent and signing with the Cleveland Indians isn’t as exciting as, say, the fate of Brian McCann or Shin-Soo Choo.

And yet, the way the world learned of Murphy’s address change Tuesday night/Wednesday morning is original reporting worth paying attention to. As with many of these stories, it began with a leak. Murphy’s young daughter leaked the news at daycare, telling all the teachers there that her “daddy was going to be an Indian.”

Aside from being the cutest thing ever, thanks to one of her sources, the news also reached Jamie Kelly – @JamieSportsTalk on Twitter. She was one step ahead of the Ken Rosenthals, Jon Heymans and Tim Browns of the world:

And who is Jamie Kelly? Richard Durrett of ESPN Dallas writes:

Kelly, 35, is editor-in-chief of Paranoid Fan, a social app for sports fans, and also writes for and blogs about the Rangers at Shutdown Inning.

“I like David Murphy and it means a lot to me to get the scoop,” Kelly said. “When I put it out there, it was confirmed.”

You never know where information might come from, right?

Kelly told Big League Stew via Twitter:

“I’m writing my ass off (excuse the language),” she said. “I’m trying to build good relationships from there. This one just happened to pay off.”

That’s what makes a good reporter.

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David Brown is editor for Big league stew on Yahoo Sports. Have a tip? Email him at [email protected] or follow him on Twitter!

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