
topicnews · August 27, 2024

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office tells a heartwarming story about one of their rescues

The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office tells a heartwarming story about one of their rescues

JEFFERSON COUNTY, Colo. (KKTV) – Rupe, animal control officer for the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office, was responding to an animal cruelty call when he found a dog starving to death.

Officer Rupe said the 1-and-a-half-year-old dog was turned in to animal control in April. The sheriff’s office said she had multiple injuries, was unable to stand on her own and was covered in her own feces. At the time, she weighed just 18 pounds.

After the dog was found, the sheriff’s office began an investigation to find out what happened. Using a microchip, they were able to track down the original owner, who lived in Denver. The previous owner was charged with animal cruelty.

She said she noticed that the dog wanted to get well and even tried to wag her tail, even though she barely had the strength to do so.

“She almost starved to death and never had to worry about hunger again,” Officer Rupe said.

Officer Rupe named the dog Artemis. She said while they were working to save the dog, she decided to take Artemis in and never let her go.

She said she trained Artemis and the dog reached his target weight of 20 kilograms and is now happy and healthy.

“She’s spent most of her life in a cage and I’ve only had her for three months, so she’s still learning how to be a dog,” Officer Rupe said.