
topicnews · September 25, 2024

Founding – Start-up centers in Brandenburg: Help for young companies – Economy

Founding – Start-up centers in Brandenburg: Help for young companies – Economy

Potsdam (dpa/bb) – Young companies in Brandenburg will in future receive support in so-called start-up centers. The state of Brandenburg is supporting the establishment of these centers with 15 million euros in EU funds, the Ministry of Economic Affairs announced.

Start-ups will receive help there in the first phase of company formation: They will receive office space, training and support from mentors for six to twelve months, it was said. The project is scheduled to start in early 2025.

According to the ministry, the aim is to make the young companies fit for the global market. The focus is on the energy, digitalization and circular economy sectors, among others.

Concepts for such start-up centers can be submitted, and the Europe-wide tendering process will start at the end of September. The money for the centers comes from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

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