
topicnews · September 25, 2024

iOS 18 is more customizable than ever, and yet for years I have been missing a simple feature on my iPhone that every Android phone has

iOS 18 is more customizable than ever, and yet for years I have been missing a simple feature on my iPhone that every Android phone has

The clock on my iPhone regularly makes me sad.

The clock on my iPhone regularly makes me sad.

I love my iPhone. Not because I’m an Apple fan – quite the opposite – but because it’s simply a good phone. I’ve been using it for years, I’ve gotten used to iOS and I know where to tap.

And for years I have been missing an absolutely cheap functionwhich Apple failed to implement even in the 18th iteration of its operating system.

Why in the name of Steve Jobs can’t I move my damn clock on the lock screen?

Max Schwind

Maxe is an Apple user, not because apples are so healthy, but because he has become accustomed to the cosmos over the last seven years. Now he is not a diehard cell phone nerd, but he uses it every day for surfing, gaming, taking photos and recording videos – and is always annoyed that the clock is stuck on the waifu’s face on his lock screen.

The clock is a Kasus Knaxus

I am someone who likes to show what he likes. I wear T-shirts and caps with motifs from the world of films, games and anime. I even have a full-sleeve tattoo of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, the story that inspired me to write. It goes without saying that my phone lock screen is also covered in nerd stuff.

Now, it’s just that people wear their faces mostly on their heads – and that’s exactly where the stupid watch is ruining my plans! But see for yourself:

No matter how I look at my preferred backgrounds, the clock is always in the way.

  • Let’s keep an eye on it.
  • Mark on the forehead
  • Sometimes it destroys the entire composition of the picture.

I don’t want to make the image smaller so that it runs out at the top just to make room for the clock. Not only does that ruin the design, it’s at best a stopgap solution to a problem that shouldn’t even exist.

I can already hear the doubters saying: Just use the depth effect. I would do that immediately, but it doesn’t work if the object (in my case, usually a head) is too big. The only thing I can do is make the numbers as narrow as iOS allows.

It’s annoying that you can’t move the clock or make it smaller like you can on Android. A little bit is actually enough.

Android: Why not like the competition?

Before you pick up your Galaxy or Pixel phone: On Android phones, you can’t move the clock anywhere on the display. However, you have almost unlimited options for customizing the chronometer: small, large, one line, digital, analogue and more.

And what about iOS? Thick watch or thin watch. Oh, and should you have a discreetly transparent watch or a bit of color to make it stand out even more? Take a look at this comparison.

Set lock screen in Android

What do my dial-weary eyes see? At least six different clocks.

Set lock screen in iOS

In iOS I can choose the font, the thickness and the color. That’s it.

How difficult can it be to give us iPhone users more freedom? I don’t even need all the features of Android. Let me choose…

  • … move the clock on the x-axis.
  • … make the clock smaller.
  • … set the clock to a fixed position at the bottom edge.

And, watch out, I have a wild idea: Just give me the option to simply turn the watch off. One switch: watch on, watch off. Like many people, I have a smartwatch on my wrist anyway, I don’t necessarily need the time on my phone.

Attention, I’ll go one step further: Apple even does it better themselves, just not on the phone.

Apple Watch: it works!

I don’t want to always be the complainer, so I would like to end this column on a positive note.

I don’t have to tell you that I also show nerd stuff on my Apple Watch. Until watchOS 18, Apple was strangely tight-lipped about the dials for photo watch faces. What I saw recently after the update made me cry with joy. See for yourself:

I’m not kidding you: You can choose five (that’s 5) different positions for the clock, including the option to place the numbers one below the other. A dream for every clock face min-maxer like me! Please do that on the iPhone too and I’ll be happy.

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So, Apple, I’m looking at the clock: Will you be able to move or hide my clock in the next updates? If so, I’ll celebrate, if not, I’ll be happy if you update this article to iOS 19 at the latest, then you can set the alarm accordingly.

Are you also at war with a function on your cell phone? What little things are you missing? Feel free to share your experiences with me in the comments.