
topicnews · September 25, 2024

Environmental protection – Premiere at Schneeberg: First “Cleanup Day” on October 5th

Environmental protection – Premiere at Schneeberg: First “Cleanup Day” on October 5th

Michael Gschaider (Tourism Management Schneebergland), Anna Vogler (Tourism Association Semmering-Rax-Schneeberg), Christoph Kögler (Chairman Schneebergland), ÖVP Mayor Johann Döller Reichenau an der Rax, SPÖ Mayor Christian Dungl Puchberg am Schneeberg, ÖVP Mayor Michael Kreuzer Gutenstein and Christina Locher (Mountain Rescue Pernitz).

Schneebergland adventure region

BWhile there have always been similar events like the “Cleanup Days” for the Rax region, a premiere is now being celebrated on the highest mountain in the country. You can still register until September 28th.

Preparations for the first “Cleanup Day” at Schneeberg are already in full swing. It is scheduled to take place on October 5th.

Not only the municipality of Puchberg is taking part in the campaign, but also the neighboring towns of Gutenstein and Reichenau an der Rax. For this reason, there are three starting points for the cleanup campaign: the Puchberg train station, the Maumauwiese in Gutenstein and the Weichtalhaus in Reichenau.

The aim of the campaign is to collect as much rubbish as possible. All participants also receive a cleanup kit, a free ride down the Schneeberg cable car, a cleanup party with snacks, music and a tombola, and sufficient safety on the mountain itself. The mountain rescue service is also involved in the campaign. “Registrations are gradually trickling in. Many people have heard about us primarily through social media. Some registrations also came by email. “We look forward to more,” says regional chairman Christoph Kögler.

Registration for the “Cleanup Day” is still possible until September 28th at [email protected].