
topicnews · September 25, 2024

GZSZ star Anne Menden: Turtel videos with husband – he is not a stranger

GZSZ star Anne Menden: Turtel videos with husband – he is not a stranger

Now make it public! GZSZ star Anne Menden seems to be more than happy at the moment. The actress is currently on vacation at the beach – and she is not alone.

The man who is allowed to spend a few lovely hours by the sea with the GZSZ actress (she has played the role of Emily Höfer since 2004) is no stranger.

GZSZ star Anne Menden: Turtel vacation with new man

On Instagram, Anne Menden posted a video of herself and a man on the beach – the two seem to be having fun and are clearly having fun. It is none other than “Bachelor in Paradise” participant Gustav Masurek. He also shares pictures and videos of himself and Anne on Instagram and writes – just like his holiday companion – under one of the clips: “My Peace and Happiness.”

Both posted a heart emoji under the other’s video. This should make it clear that the two have searched for each other and found each other. Above all, Gustav has not had any luck in love recently. When “Bachelor in Paradise” was still with candidate Karina Wagner, she had to fight. After that, the two were a couple for a short time before going their separate ways again.

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GZSZ star Anne Menden: Colleagues react publicly

Now Gustav is also spending a few heavenly hours with GZSZ beauty Anne Menden. Some celebrity colleagues seem to have known about their acquaintance for a while. GZSZ actor Felix von Jascheroff commented on Instagram: “Man, man, man, how many days, months, years did I have to be quiet… It was about time.”

And GZSZ star Nina Ensmann is also happy that the secret is finally out: “Now I can finally stop accidentally chatting.”

Fans can only guess how long the two have known each other “better”. The two have not yet shared a public kiss on Instagram, but that is surely only a matter of time…