
topicnews · September 24, 2024

Information event in the evening: Nutrition report: Quality is gaining importance ++ First nature conservation station in the Rhineland-Palatinate

Information event in the evening: Nutrition report: Quality is gaining importance ++ First nature conservation station in the Rhineland-Palatinate

What do Germans think about their food? And what is particularly important to them when it comes to food and their diet? Answers to these questions and other topics of the evening with Florian Zelt.

Minister of Food Cem Özdemir (Greens) presented the 2024 Nutrition Report today. The result: Consumers in Germany are increasingly attaching importance to food quality, regional production and animal welfare.

Organic labels, animal welfare or Nutri-Score – Germans are paying more attention to what ends up in their shopping cart. They attach particular importance to the animal welfare label, as the new diet shows…

According to the Forsa survey, almost twice as many people now believe in the animal welfare label when shopping as in the first new survey in 2015. Their number rose from 36 to 65 percent. The proportion of people who believe in the EU organic label also rose from 47 to 59 percent in the same period.

Rhineland-Palatinate: First nature conservation station is being built

The first model nature conservation station in Rhineland-Palatinate is to be built in the Palatinate. It will be set up in Neustadt an der Weinstraße from October. Environment Minister Katrin Eder (Greens) handed over the funding notice today. The station will serve the Bad Dürkheim district, the town of Neustadt an der Weinstraße and the Donnersberg district. The concept is intended to better coordinate nature conservation in the state and directly on site, according to the ministry.