
topicnews · September 24, 2024

Flower pollen for bigger breasts? The bizarre TikTok trend that is causing a stir

Flower pollen for bigger breasts? The bizarre TikTok trend that is causing a stir

Bizarre TikTok advice: “Women, eat pollen and you’ll get bigger breasts!” – Nutrition researchers stunned

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Tuesday, 24.09.2024, 13:24

A new nutritional trend with a bizarre claim is causing a stir. Nutritionist Uwe Knop takes a critical look at the current TikTok hype.

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What is recommended on TikTok for breast enlargement?

It’s almost unbelievable, but true: The latest social media influencer trend is: “Women, eat flower pollen and you’ll get bigger breasts!”. Flower pollen? These are tiny, protein-rich balls that are collected by bees. They are formed from the pollen of plants and serve as an important source of food for bees and their brood. The bees enrich the pollen with nectar and enzymes before storing it in the hive.

This new hype that consuming a lot of pollen will make your breasts grow has spread quickly on popular portals. The rumored desired effects are based on the naive assumption that pollen is rich in phytoestrogens, plant substances that can have a similar effect to estrogen – and thus promote breast growth.

About Uwe Knop

Uwe Knop, born in 1972, is a qualified nutritionist, author and speaker for lectures at professional associations, companies and medical training courses. His new book
“FINALLY EATING RIGHT” was published in August 2024.

Is there scientific evidence that flower pollen stimulates breast growth?

In short: A clear no – there is no scientific evidence that pollen stimulates breast growth. This is all nothing more than hot air, hyperventilated from social media.

The urgent appeal to all animal-loving social media users is: Influencers, leave the baby bees their pollen, don’t eat the dear little bees’ food! The bee larvae will certainly grow from it, but your breasts certainly won’t grow! And besides, humanity needs bees, but not influencers.

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Why are there constant new nutritional hypes that always turn out to be “hot air”?

It’s about money, quite simply. Hypes generate clicks – and clicks are the “currency of influencers”, getting kicks means “making money”. And that is precisely the very mundane meaning of this recurring internet spectacle. When a hype starts, everyone who makes money with and on social media wants to be part of it. And then the “drama takes its digital course”.

YouTube wants to better protect young people from dangerous content, but the video watchdogs have forgotten the essential content that drives thousands of users crazy every day: Nutritional recommendations, better-eating hypes and “great tips for healthy eating” from influencers of all kinds.

But this is exactly where something needs to happen on YouTube & Co. as soon as possible! But it goes even further: If you enter the search combination “bee pollen breasts” in Google, one of the top 3 results will even be a link to buy the corresponding products on Amazon!

Can women generally stimulate their breast growth through a special diet?

No. There is absolutely no evidence for this. On the contrary, women who go on a lot of diets also lose breast fat. The breasts can become smaller and flabbier with each diet – especially when diets become a “gateway drug to eating disorders” and women lose a lot of weight in a short space of time. It is unlikely that the breasts will then regain the same weight as before when they gain weight again.

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