
topicnews · September 24, 2024

1st Class North – Clear goal of UFC Podersdorf

1st Class North – Clear goal of UFC Podersdorf

Cry for more. Podersdorf coach Franz Ziniel wants to place himself higher up the table with his team this season.

Snow white

DThe UFC Podersdorf wants to be in the top third this season.

Before the start of the championship, many people considered Podersdorf to be one of the candidates for relegation, but that doesn’t seem to be the case now. Five rounds have been played so far and the UFC is in fourth place in the table with ten points. A result that is definitely impressive. However, we must not forget that last year they had exactly the same number after the first five match days and at the end of the first half of the season they had just 16 points. That is exactly what they want to avoid this season. “We don’t want to fall so far behind again and to do that we have to improve continuously and that is my job as a coach,” as coach Franz Ziniel made clear. It seems as if they are finally a little more broadly positioned. If you take a look at the U23s, you can see that even in an away game in Breitenbrunn they have 15 players in the squad and they win 2-1. That is something we could have only wished for last season. “If we win the game against the NSC Juniors, we could establish ourselves in the top third,” said Ziniel.