
topicnews · September 24, 2024

With these 5 tips it will work!

With these 5 tips it will work!

1. Set priorities

Not every decision is equally important. Think about which ones are really important today and which ones are less important. If you know your priorities, you can act more quickly and efficiently. It’s like planning a trip: first book the flights and accommodation before organizing the day trips.

2. Use the 5-second trick

A direct decision is often the right one. The 5-second trick can help: count to five and then decide spontaneously. Often the first inspiration is the best and you save yourself unnecessary pondering. It’s like jumping into cold water – just do it before your head thinks too much.

3. Break routines

Routines can be helpful, but sometimes it’s worth leaving them behind and trying something new. Dare to do something different, especially with small decisions, and see how it affects you. Instead of the classic black coffee in the morning, why not try a green tea? It might even give you more energy and help you start the day with more balance. Changes can open up new perspectives.

4. Submit decisions

Simply letting chance decide can be a great relief. To really clear your head, you can bring in some fresh air with small, playful elements. For example, you can let a coin or other “mini-games” decide. If you don’t have a coin ready – for heads or tails – you can also use unusual methods, such as a double biscuit (eg Oreo). Turn the biscuit open and make your decision depending on which side the filling sticks to.

5. Trust your gut feeling

Your gut is like an inner compass – trust it, it often shows you the right way. If you are unsure, listen to yourself. There are many situations in which rational considerations are of no help, but your intuition is the ultimate guide. And don’t forget: even if you have doubts about your choice in retrospect, look at it positively, make a new decision and carry on. Making a different decision than you wanted can have just as positive an effect on you: because that is what you learn the most from for life. New experiences open the doors to new possibilities.