
topicnews · September 24, 2024

1. Class North – All match reports of the league: From Apetlon to Purbach

1. Class North – All match reports of the league: From Apetlon to Purbach

Apetlon – Oggau 5:1. The home team got off to a perfect start and took a 1-0 lead after just five minutes thanks to a great low shot from Zsolt Szücs. They remained dominant after that and increased their lead to 2-0 in the 36th minute, again through Szücs. Oggau was dangerous again and again, but failed to beat SCA goalkeeper Matej Strapak and so a counterattack, completed by Matej Turna, made it 3-0 shortly before half-time. After the restart, Apetlon continued where they left off and Turna scored twice with a lob in the 52nd minute. The guests came close again with an own goal after just under an hour, but Tibor Ambrus finally brought the party to a close with a powerful shot under the crossbar. “In contrast to the match against Podersdorf, we played like a team and deserved to win by such a large margin,” said Apetlon coach Elvir Ibrahimovic. “Unfortunately, we completely missed the start of the game,” said Oggau section leader Patrick Pasterniak.

Purbach – Neufeld 1:6. The spectators saw a fast first half in which Purbach failed to get a grip on Neufeld’s standards. They were also usually a step behind in the duels and so after 45 minutes the score was already 3:0 for ASV. Michael Drga’s 4:0 was the turning point, because from that point on everything was decided and it was finally a 6:1 away victory. “In my opinion the victory was too high,” said Purbach coach Patrick Castek. “It was really nice to watch and a more than deserved success,” analyzed Neufeld coach Fatih Bas.

Nickelsdorf – Mönchhof 5:0. This match was a demonstration of power at its finest. ASV Nickelsdorf was clearly the better team over the entire 90 minutes, while the guests from Mönchhof did not have a single chance to score. “With a little more pressure we could have scored one or two more goals,” as Nickelsdorf section leader Michael Liedl made clear. “Heartless and without character, Nickelsdorf was better in every respect,” emphasized Mönchhof’s defense chief Theo Koch.

NSC Juniors – Hornstein 3:0. Despite Hornstein having a slight advantage in the first 45 minutes, the seaside town team took a 2-0 lead thanks to a header from Johannes Haider and an ice-cold finish from Tugay Arlsan. Neusiedl grew stronger in the second half and Peter Sajtos put the final point on the scoreboard with a 3-0 after an hour. Hornstein currently seems to be having a problem in attack. “We played badly and still won,” grinned NSC section leader Stefan Denk. ASV coach Sebastian Reinprecht: “Neusiedl absolutely deserved to win.”

Breitenbrunn – Podersdorf 1:2. Podersdorf quickly had some good chances, but was unable to capitalize on them. Almost as the half-time whistle blew, Benjamin Frank put SC Breitenbrunn 1-0 ahead after a counterattack. Podersdorf coach Franz Ziniel seems to have found the right words during the break. A penalty from Gabor Vayer and a direct free kick from Csaba Csizmadia turned the game around and the UFC held on to the result. “We should have earned at least one point,” Breitenbrunn coach Wolfgang Mayer is sure. “In my opinion, the win is fine,” said Ziniel.

Zurndorf – Frauenkirchen 0:2. It was the classic 0-0 match. Few chances on either side, although Zurndorf was a little closer to the goal. In the 89th minute, however, Martin Antol turned a corner straight into the goal and made it 1-0. Tomas Szöllös’ 2-0 was then just a formality. “Normally, it should have been a draw,” as Zurndorf section leader Rafael Brandl clarified. Frauenkirchen coach Christian Pinter: “I was actually happy with the draw.”

Sankt Andrä – Wallern 1:0. Sankt Andrä dominated the game, but the Walllerner fought tirelessly and goalkeeper Christoph Schwarz had a brilliant day. The same goes for Sankt Andrä goalkeeper Alessio Orlando. For a long time, both sides kept a clean sheet and it seemed as if the guests would really fight for this point, but in the fourth minute of injury time it was Patrick Sabo who scored the 1-0 after a set piece. “All in all, it was a deserved victory,” said Sankt Andrä coach Michael Guttmann. “The boys more than deserved this point,” said former USC coach René Hoffmann.

SC Breitenbrunn – UFC Podersdorf 1:2 (1:0).-

Goal sequence: 1:0 (44th) Frank, 1:1 (72nd) Vayer, 1:2 (80th) Csizmadia.-

Reserve: 1:2 (Zankovitsch; Kettner, Waldherr).-

SR: Sahin.- Breitenbrunn, 200.

Breitenbrunn: Böhm; Reiterits, Schneider, Majercak, Pichler; Strahammer; Pastinsky, Reeh (68. Zankovitsch), Graßl (73. Gajic), Frank (51. Mieselberger); Kollar.

Podersdorf: Köllö; SzücsBalint Nagy, Csizmádia, Filleki; Benjamin Nagy, Simon Lentsch (80. Jonas Kolarik); Kolarik, Vayer (90.+1 Waldherr), Lahcen (59. Florian Steiner); Böcskey.

FC Veganis Sankt Andrä – USC Wallern 1:0 (0:0).-Goal: 1:0 (90.+4) Sabo.-

Yellow-red card: Hoffmann (TR) (90.+4, criticism).-

Reserve: 0:3 (Terpotitz 2, Müllner).-

SR: Tekeli.- Saint Andrew, 300.

St. Andrew: Orlando; MuminovicZiniel, HorvathJanovsky; Györvari; Bors (90.+5 Heller), machoSabo, Mihalik; Cambal (90th + 6 core).

Wall: Black; Steiner, Haider, Engelbert, Leurer; Johannes Theiler (46. Janisch), Michlits (86. Meinhardt); Macher (78. Florian Perlinger), Takac, Fabian Perlinger; Pichler (90.+2 fight).

NSC Juniors – ASV Coldamaris Hornstein 3:0 (2:0).-Goal sequence: 1:0 (16th) Vlna, 2:0 (44th) Arslan, 3:0 (60th) Sajtos.-

Reserve: 4:0 (Bauer 3, Schefberger).-

SR: Koc.-Neusiedl, 121.

Neusiedl: Frank; Michal Maas, HaiderSonnleitner, Pittnauer (46. Hamm); Matej Maas, Tick (68th Fekete); Kirschner (46. Sajtos), Vlna (52. Moro), Strommer (68. Gruidl); Arslan.

Chert: Lukas Rosenbauch; Gaubmann (74. Demirel), Grgic, Reich, Pogats; Wady; Wörndl, Sadowski; Orosz, Niklas, Marenich.

ASV Raiba Zurndorf – SC Frauenkirchen 0:2 (0:0).-Goal sequence: 0:1 (88th) Antol, 0:2 (90th+5) Szöllös.- Yellow-red card: Antol (90.+4 criticism).-

Reserve: 4:0 (Manev, Schweigl, Lambert, Sattler).- SR: Radonjic.-Zurndorf.

Zurndorf: Veber; Prakisch, Bojnak, Bauer, Szoka; Wrba (89. Fertsak), Unger; Kekl, Pethö, Nevrivy (66th rider); Durek.

Frauenkirchen: brown ice; Birschitzky, Derka, Weigl, Ettl (70. Haszonits); Smith (90th Bauer), Gollowitzer (58th Slezak); Dohansky, Antol, Szollös; Kurcsis.

ASV Nickelsdorf – FC Mönchhof 5:0 (3:0).-

Goal sequence: 1:0 (9.) Kovacs, 2:0 (23.) Kellner, 3:0 (32., own goal) Gicic, 4:0 (64.) Kovacs, 5:0 (88.) Schütz.- Reserve: 0:3 (Kirschner 2, Aagaard).-

SR: Kuzat.-Nickelsdorf, 320.

Nickelsdorf: Takacs; Scherhaufer, Limp, Horvath, Semjan; Enz (79. Gollovitzer), Dzaferovic (60. Weisz); Schütz, Kellner (53. Varga), Orosz (53. Konya); Kovacs (79. Pahr).

Monchhof: Beck; Elias Luisser, Florian Karner (66th Aagaard), Gicic, Kock, Daniel Lentsch; Philipp Karner (66. De Souza), Julian Luisser; Enz, Vidovic (36. Gollowitzer), Kaique.

SC Apetlon – UFC Oggau 5:1 (3:0).-

Goal sequence: 1:0 (5th) Szücs, 2:0 (36th) Szücs, 3:0 (44th) Turna, 4:0 (52nd) Turna, 4:1 (58th) Fabio Haider (ET), 5th :1 (75.) Ambrus.- Reserve: 1:0 (Tschida).-

SR: Ruffa.-Apetlon, 300.

Apetlon: Strapak; Fabio HaiderBagi, Papp (36. Lentsch), Pethö; Szücs, AmbrusScheiblhofer; Lukas Payer (70th Rabi), Turna, Krchnak (83. Bors).

Oggau: Furik; Böck (68. Florian Kucher), Grassl (77. Christopher Schummi), Stefanits (46. Kröss), Pichlhöfer (80. Marcel Schummi); Hamdaoui, Pejic; Högerl, Allacher, Andreas Werner; Marcsik.

UFC Purbach – ASV Poolshop Austria Neufeld 1:6 (0:3).-Goal sequence: 0:1 (9th) Matthias Wachter, 0:2 (25th) Ikic, 0:3 (30th) Michael Drga, 0:4 (51st) Michael Drga, 0:5 (65th) Woborny, 0: 6 (84.) Woborny, 1:6 (86.) Nico Wimmer.-

Reserve: 1:3 (Dechaux-Blanc; Heueisen, Schwarz, Jurkic).- SR: Batmaz.-Purbach, 250.

Purbach: Hajtmanek; Pogatscher, Heiling, Farkas (77. Pirkl-Weisz), Schmid; Kopf, Iacovino-Protiwa (57. Schmidt), Dominik Wimmer (57. Berger), Nico Wimmer; Spod (60. Ivantschitz); Rosner (77. Gmeiner).

Neufeld: Grasser; Pichler, Grafl, Matthias Wachter (65. Högl), Stein (81. Zivojinovic); Michael Drga (65, Bas), Hauptvogel, Stanojcic (65. Boydas), Woborny; Serifosky; Ikic (57. Baumgartner).
