
topicnews · September 23, 2024

Refugees: New contact point for family reunification in Vienna

Refugees: New contact point for family reunification in Vienna

Vienna’s Migration Councillor Christoph Wiederkehr (Neos) announced on Monday that there will be a new contact centre for the family reunification of refugees. There, the people joining the family will be offered various educational opportunities.

VIENNA. The family reunification of refugees to Vienna continues. The challenge for the federal capital is particularly great, says Migration Councillor Christoph Wiederkehr (Neos) told APA on Monday. In recent months, an average of around 300 adults and around 600 to 700 children and young people are said to have come to Austria, with 70 to 80 percent heading for Vienna.

In order to give people a better start in this country and at the same time relieve the burden on the education system, plans are being made for a new contact point. There will be a greater need for support for at least the next two years, as the focus will be on looking after young families. According to Wiederkehr, on average three to four family members of refugees will follow.

It is primarily about wives with two to three children. Orientation classes and container classes were an initial measure to integrate the young people into the educational sector. Now the “StartWien Hub” contact point is to follow. The focus is mainly on adults who are moving to the country.

Modular design

This contact center will bring together a variety of services at a central location under one roof. The entire system is modular in design so that people can receive exactly the programs they need. The “StartWien Hub” could start as early as this autumn. It could be built at the former center for asylum seekers and those entitled to subsidized protection in Pappenheimgasse in Brigittenau.

The offers will include new German courses, advice on everyday life and social work support. It is not just about looking after children, but also about promoting language skills. “Especially for women, who often move to Germany with small children, there is a need for low-threshold education and advice services that take childcare and language support for small children into account,” Wiederkehr assured the “APA” in this context. Now everything is offered in one place.

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