
topicnews · September 23, 2024

Crime – Murder trial against nurse started – Panorama

Crime – Murder trial against nurse started – Panorama

Koblenz (dpa/lrs) – A murder trial has begun before the Koblenz Regional Court against a nurse who is alleged to have killed a patient. The public prosecutor accuses the 45-year-old of having treacherously killed his seriously ill patient in her home in Winningen (Mayen-Koblenz district). The nurse disconnected the patient from her ventilator 21 times on the night of her death, said a public prosecutor when reading out the charges. This led to her death.

Contrary to previous instructions, he lifted the woman out of the wheelchair without the help of a second carer. He then placed her in a horizontal position that was life-threatening for her health. According to the public prosecutor’s office, the woman was an ALS patient in the advanced stages, completely paralyzed and unable to breathe on her own. She could therefore only communicate using her eyes, which she used to operate a computer for communication. ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) is an incurable, degenerative disease of the nervous system.

Defendant denies allegations

“The allegations are completely unfounded,” said the 45-year-old defendant. “I feel like I’m in the wrong movie.” He said he only laid the patient down horizontally for a short time for treatment. Disconnections from the ventilator also occur for treatment purposes.

In the morning, at the end of his night shift, he noticed that her breathing tube had been disconnected, but he could not explain why. He then checked the patient and, in his opinion, handed her over to the next nursing shift alive. According to the public prosecutor’s office, the woman had been disconnected from her ventilator for 17 minutes in the early morning, which ultimately led to her death.

A witness, who was an employee of the nearby champagne cellar at the time, stated that the day nurse found the woman lying on her back. He was there that morning and saw her confront him and accuse him of killing the patient.

45-year-old arrested on site

After the bodies were found, the operator of the winery contacted the police, said a police officer who was called as a witness. He stated that the defendant had also stolen a cash box. The 45-year-old was then arrested on the spot. The defendant stated that he had admitted to stealing wine bottles and change in a separate case.

Until a verdict is reached, the defendant is presumed innocent. The trial will continue on Tuesday.

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