
topicnews · September 23, 2024

The state of Upper Austria prepared an emergency interim solution for the Danube bridge in Mauthausen

The state of Upper Austria prepared an emergency interim solution for the Danube bridge in Mauthausen

MAUTHAUSEN. While the construction of the New Danube Bridge in Mauthausen has been further delayed, the existing bridge could become impassable due to its poor condition. Intensive work is being carried out on a solution for this scenario.

The new Danube bridge in Mauthausen should actually already be under construction. However, the Federal Administrative Court has as reported by Tipsthe EIA permits issued on February 22, 2024 were revoked due to complaints. This means that it is not possible to predict when construction of the New Danube Bridge can actually begin. This could be delayed by years. But what if the old bridge does not last that long?

“Prepare for all eventualities”

“Due to the fact that the existing bridge is in its final life cycle, ongoing structural renovations and measures such as the 30 km/h speed limit have already been initiated in recent years,” says the state of Upper Austria. The current situation forces the project team to prepare for all eventualities.

Replace existing supporting structure

It might be necessary – as an emergency interim solution – to replace the existing supporting structure. “If the construction of the new bridge is delayed, we will have to push for the installation of a new supporting structure on the existing bridge,” said Upper Austria’s State Councilor for Infrastructure, Günther Steinkellner. This is precisely the scenario that the states of Upper Austria and Lower Austria are intensively preparing for.

Total ban for three months

A replacement of the supporting structure (excavation and floating out of the existing bridge, floating in and installation of a new bridge supporting structure) is being prepared for 2028. This work would require a three-month total closure of the road connection, one of the most important traffic arteries in the region.

Governor Thomas Stelzer: “A functioning bridge is essential for the Mauthausen economic area and, above all, for the people.” We are therefore preparing for all eventualities so that we can keep the burden that a further delay in the construction of the new bridge will certainly bring as low as possible. Our goal is to have a safe, modern crossing of the Danube available as quickly as possible.”
