
topicnews · September 23, 2024

Incorrect charging: Common mistake that can damage your phone

Incorrect charging: Common mistake that can damage your phone

The correct order in which you plug in the cable is very important for charging smartphones and any other device with a battery. Think about it: Do you plug the cable into the phone first and then the power adapter into the socket?

This error can be harmful to your device. According to Huawei, “Data loss, performance degradation, reduced battery life, phone freezing and rebooting, screen flickering and noise, circuit damage and other issues” be the result.

The reason for this is OvervoltageWhen plugging the power adapter into the socket, short voltage spikes of a few milliseconds can occur. This cannot be avoided – but if the cable at the other end is already plugged into the charging socket of the smartphone, the overvoltage can potentially cause damage.

Therefore, you should always plug in the power supply first and then the cable into the device.